“To me “let it go“ means to let go of what’s weighing you down and take that leap in moving forward, these encouraging words may make someone want to take the next step even while feeling stuck where they’re at. Hopefully, by introducing this Piece of Art we can spread this message along to the people On the concourse and anyone who comes in contact with it.”
A quote from Dayanara, an art apprentice and mother.

Concourse House Mothers' Art Crew: Dayanara Savinon, Amanda Renee Jewell, Yafatou Sarr and Jamie Robbins.
Let It Go, crochet, weaving and text (2022)
Photo credit: Grace Gelder
“Let It Go” is a phrase that has become a daily part of art programs. It has been a collaborative effort between our core 3 art mother apprentices Amanda, Dayanara, and Yafatou. Starting with Dayanara's vision to create a hoop earring out of crochet. In the Bronx, African American and Latin American cultures, hoop earrings accompanied by your name or nickname on it, act as a way to show up as yourself every day. The words ‘Let It Go'' in a golden hoop stem from Amanda's words of affirmation she uses to promote her new outlook on life. Letting go of what no longer serves you to let in what will. The Final step of its making is owed to Yafatou and Jamie Robbins for combining both crocheting and coiling techniques to achieve the outcome you see today. This project acts as a symbol of unity, strength, and “resilience, letting go of the past and stepping into the future.
Let It Go, original song and lyrics by Amanda Renee Jewell (2022)
You know it's ya’ girl Manda Renee and I got something to say.
Listen, you know, we all go through ups and downs.
From depression, anxiety,
Pain and hurt,
Abuse, torture,
Manipulation, domestic violence,
Rape, death, just everything, its alot
All the negativity
Peace is what you need
Don’t give up now
Peace is all you need.
Whatever you going through
Just pray about the situation.
You’re stronger than this.
And I need you to believe in yourself.
Because guess what?
I believe in you.
You’re a king, you’re a queen
And just listen, things are going to get better.
Listen, if you’re falling down just get back up
You know the devil is a liar.
Don’t let him defeat you at all.
Just stand up tall and say with me
Peace is my new life.