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Art on the Concourse is Fordham Bedford’s community arts program and annual exhibition-fundraiser organized by Concourse House, Home for Women and Their Children, Fordham Bedford Community Services (FBCS) and Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation (FBHC). Founded in 1980 by community residents and activists at a time when the neighborhood and borough was in crisis, Fordham Bedford’s mission is to provide safe and affordable housing for families, single mothers, and seniors within the Northwest Bronx.

Art on the Concourse is a conduit between local artists, Concourse House mothers, Fordham Bedford Community Services and their neighbors, showcasing public art with the community. Since 2020, Concourse House Mothers (AKA Mother's Art Crew) have led on our neighborhood public art program in the neighborhood, taught art across the Bronx, and helped to break through the stigma surrounding homelessness in New York.


All proceeds will support the arts and education programs

run by the Fordham Bedford agencies. 

© Art on the Concourse 2024

2751 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10468

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